
Bank account verification

Any bank. Any country. In real-time.

DIRO can instantly verify bank data with automated user consent and impersonation check at 44,000 banks in 195 countries.

The output is a machine-readable JSON file together with data provenance, as well as the original document for compliance.

DIRO’s open banking API allows for real-time verifications that can be directed to your decision engine for automation and improved user experience for both consumers and enterprise clients.

Bank statement into JSON file
Account number and source
Bank account-holder data
Real-time balance checks
Bank depository data
Up to 24 months of data
Snapshot of users’ finances
Credit card and mortgage
Brokerage and retirement

Features of DIRO’s bank account verification

Seamless user experience
With instant bank account verification, DIRO improves the user experience in onboarding. Our source of funds verification coverage 44,000 banks in 195 countries.
Reduced drop-offs
Increase conversion rate and eliminate customer drop-off due to inefficient onboarding process. Replace micro deposit verifications.
24 months of data
Get access and verify up to 24 months of categorized data in an instant. Verify customer’s financial history backed by verifiable data.
Reduced risk of fraud
Enhance customer trust by eliminating fraud. DIRO prevents fraud, such as fabricated and stolen documents, as we capture the data directly from the bank source.
Reduce payment errors, losses due to dropped customers, and more, with DIRO instant bank account verification.
Easy integration
Plug-and-play API keys to get you started anytime, anywhere. Instant bank verification with an option for no-code integration.

Enabling trusted bank data and security

DIRO’s bank account verification works as an additional layer of security for financial institutions to meet obligations in KYC, KYB, and AML. Without hampering the customer experience, you can conduct bank account verification and data in real-time. DIRO’s instant bank verification leads to a reduction in customer drop-off rate while simultaneously improving the customer experience.

DIRO provides JSON files with verified bank data directly from the source. For bank statement verification, such documents gets downloaded directly from the bank’s web portal insides DIRO’s secure terminal. The data from the bank statement then gets converted into a machine-readable JSON file for real-time decisions and onboarding. The solution is easy to use and the seamless integration makes DIRO’s bank verification solution the number one choice for banks, lending and mortgage companies, payment providers, and fintech.

Comply with global KYC, KYB, and AML regulatory requirements by integrating DIRO’s technology into your existing framework. Prevent fake, stolen, and fraudulent bank statements and data by leveraging DIRO’s instant bank account verification solution across 195 countries and 44,000 banks.

Get started in minutes

DIRO instant bank verification is a feature-rich solution that can easily be integrated with your new or existing frameworks. The Open Banking API offers seamless integrations for banks and financial institutions. Get started with DIRO’s bank account verification solution in minutes with our no-code integration option.

Data from the bank source
DIRO’s patented technology is the only solution that can verify international bank data in real-time. Access over 44,000 banks in 195 countries with DIRO’s Open Banking API.
Instant bank verification
DIRO offers direct access to bank data to authenticate instant source of funds verification. The improved process can significantly reduce onboarding time and improve customer experience.
Seamless Integration
DIRO’s bank account API integration makes it easy to integrate with existing or new framework for real-time bank verifications to meet KYC, KYB, and AML regulatory requirements.